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Discover Your Savings Potential on International Transfers with Payd

Discover Your Savings Potential on International Transfers with Payd

*Disclaimer:Direct deposits are not charged. Payments made via card incur a processing fee charged by our processing partner to the customer paying the Payd user. All other payment and payout costs are charged to the Payd user.

Limited-time offer

Get a Zero-fee on your first transfer

Get a Zero-fee on your first transfer

Get a Zero-fee on your first transfer

Take advantage of a great introductory rate on your first transfer. Register now to get started!

Take advantage of a great introductory rate on your first transfer. Register now to get started!

Take advantage of a great introductory rate on your first transfer. Register now to get started!

Frequently asked questions

What payment channels are available on Payd?

You can receive payments on Payd both locally and internationally via different methods including mobile money, bank transfer, card, Apple Pay and Google Pay, among other local payment methods available in different countries.

Why do I have a USDC wallet in my Payd account?

How do I use Payd Pockets?

What payment channels are available on Payd?

You can receive payments on Payd both locally and internationally via different methods including mobile money, bank transfer, card, Apple Pay and Google Pay, among other local payment methods available in different countries.

Why do I have a USDC wallet in my Payd account?

How do I use Payd Pockets?

What payment channels are available on Payd?

You can receive payments on Payd both locally and internationally via different methods including mobile money, bank transfer, card, Apple Pay and Google Pay, among other local payment methods available in different countries.

Why do I have a USDC wallet in my Payd account?

How do I use Payd Pockets?

What payment channels are available on Payd?

You can receive payments on Payd both locally and internationally via different methods including mobile money, bank transfer, card, Apple Pay and Google Pay, among other local payment methods available in different countries.

Why do I have a USDC wallet in my Payd account?

How do I use Payd Pockets?

Ready to get started?

Optimize Your Transfers and Savings with Payd